Thursday, May 26, 2011

Then and Now!!!

When I was a small girl, I always used to see the eagerness in my mom s eyes and the enthusiasm in her to wait for the letters she used to get from her mom. Later as I grew up, I saw her dialing her mom s no and speak to her over the telephone. It was a notion and habit that as the std call rates used to be cheap at night, she made sure that she called and spoke to her mom only at night or early mornings. Then with the advent of mobile phone she saw to it that she called from the land line to that one single mobile no that was present at her mom s place. When I got admitted to college and had to live away from her, I was granted the privilege to possess a mobile phone only under the condition that I would use it only to receive calls from home and would not unnecessarily message my friends. It wap the time when hundred free messages was in vogue!

When I was about to complete my studies and graduate I wanted a much better hand set as the handset which I had was outdated den. I was granted that with great fore thought, only after I was placed in the company I work for now. After I started working, I was granted the permission to buy another sim of the local network provider as I was in a different state then. I got the chance to call my mom now and then as the call rates were cheap over the mobile when compared to that of the land line.

When I reached my home state,I was all independent. But then with many rounds of discussion regarding who would be using my old handset, I was granted the permission to purchase a new handset. Samsung corby fantasized me. So I got one for me!

I got the sim converted from pre paid to post paid so that I can speak to my mom as and when I want as the call charges are free! Unfortunately lost my cell and my cell had become such an integral part of my life that I rushed and got another cell again. This time it was the best! I had got Samsung galaxy which runs using android os. And through its compatibility with Google I can access my mails anytime and every time as well as keep in touch with friends through Google talk. And now with one of its other application I am writing this blog.

Now comes the question why am I writing all this.?

Only because I feel there has been a great advancement in technology and people 's thoughts. Where were we and where are we. We were in a state where in we had to wait for days to get a letter or hear someone speak and now,we can hear and get what we want provided we have enough currency in our mobile if its pre paid!! :P Where were we,when we had to go to browsing centers to check mails and where are we now wherein mails just reach us just like messages reaching the Inbox.

There is no comparison to what we were and to what are we today. Let this advancement continue and reach greater heights but then,let us not forget those old days where in we used to crave for things.

Let us use these to the fullest with a Constructive mindset and not with that of a Destructive one!!!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Naam Gum Jayega

I happened to hear this song "Naam gum jayega" from the movie "Kinara" who's Lyrics is written by Gulzar,very accidentally when I was in the verge of downloading some other song and was completely speechless.The song is soulfully sung by the Queen of music LataMangeshkar and the Lyrics of the same..It's just a meaty..Nothing can substantiate it's meaning..

Meri Awwaz hi pehchaan hai,gar yaad rahe"

This takes us to a completely different world which drives us to give some work to our thought process. It makes us think, even we need to do something more memorable, something more meaningful, something which atleast one life thinks about us when we depart from the place we are. We need to carve a niche for ourselves by doing something good and nice to others, so that they remember us by our deeds...

Here this song has it's own meaning and the singer is herself the best example. When we think about the Queen of Music Lata Mangeshkar, she is Immortal. She's soulfully sung songs in such a way that her beatific Euphony directly takes us to a different world and stays in our mind for years. There is no count to the number of times the same song gets hummed by millions around the globe!!!Such is the permanence. These Euphonious songs have changed minds and calmed souls. So through the language called MUSIC she's carved a niche for herself.

The beginning lines of the song aptly suits her very living which states my name might not be there,my true existence may not be there or rather I may come down as a different person with a different name,but then my recognition is only through my voice,my music and only music.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

All in her thoughts!!!

They surround her all over,they follow her where ever she goes...and those are hers..Her thoughts..her only thoughts..It is just hers..

When she was little kid,they followed her asking why does it rain while she used to play in those showers of rain,why are the little sparrows always on the trees while mom always used to show her those and managed putting those small spoons of food into her mouth and was more than happy whenever she was successful even if half the bowl of food was in the little kid's stomach.

When she was a little gal, her thoughts again followed her asking why should she know those colourful small and big letters when it was time for her play,why should she go to school and sit in those classes when there was a huge ground to play.

When she reached her teens,her thoughts following her asked her why does mom ask her to concentrate on her studies and rarely allowed her to play for long hours,why are people around her catching a glipmse of her whenever there was a chance and why was she doing the same as well.

When she reached her sweet late teens,her thoughts got a new look where she began to dream in her thoughts about a handsome prince just as in Cindrella,thinking her to be one..

When she was about to complete her college,her thoughts changed drastically where she wanted to achieve something more,something nice so that her mom who used to feel tired feeding her naughty little one becomes proud of her young gal..

When she completed her college,her thoughts followed her again asking why cant things be the same as it was before she left home,why cant she get back to her mom and be with her as she was when she was a little kid..

When she started working,her thoughts gave her an answer as she realized that she had transformed from a flippant,naughty gal to a serious gal,why does mom always tell her that she had grown up to be an young lady now..

Her thoughts followed,followed and followed through all the phases she passed through.But still she feels very young and very naughty just like a kid many a times.Her thoughts always drag her to the windows whenever it rains,but never lets her physically to go out and get drenched,never lets her to play with all those cute little kids,spending their holidays..,never lets her get those long summer holidays where she got cozy in her grand mom's arms and play the whole day with her cousins and her thoughts just gets back to those days and craves to get back there,but life already has something more to think and give to her...!!!

All these finally becomes her only treasurable memories that can be cherished throughout her life ...