Thursday, November 6, 2008


When things go wrong,as they sometimes will,
And the road you are trudging seems up a hill;

When the funds are low and the debts are high,
You want to smile but you have to sigh;

When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest if you must but don't Quit!!

The above is a very good thought by an anonymous poet.

It is to be remembered and followed when circumstances go out of our reach and when we are in our difficult times.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


"When Love feels like magic,it's called Destiny.When Destiny has a sense of humour it's called Serendipity".I guess by now you might have seen the wonderful movie called "SERENDIPITY" which stars John Cusack and Kate Beckinsale.It's all in all about "Can Once in a life time happen twice?".

The modern world makes it harder to discover what you didn't know you were looking for.Serendipity is defined as the ability to make fortunate discoveries accidentally.It is actually a historian's best friend and the biggest part of the rush that is the daily magic of discovery.It's one of those small things that make life worth living,despite all the torment pain,tragedy with a hope that something good will surely happen.

Some people might argue telling that we have achieved all that we had desired through our hardwork.Along with Hardwork we require something called as grace of some supernatural power to achieve what we desire.This supernatural power is called as GOD by some people.

As rightly said in a Sanskrit verse"TENA VINA THRUNAMAPI NA CHALATI" Meaning:Without the grace of God even a small grass cannot move.Here again Serendipity comes into picture where destiny has something in store for us. Sometimes we will not get what we had actually desired and we get some other thing.So God's grace,hardwork go hand in hand.This God's grace can be termed as destiny for atheists.

Man cannot change his own destiny nor can he change others'.Only what is in store for him will happen.Destiny always has a very good sense of humour where it plays such a game that we desire for something and we get some other thing which we had least desired or never wanted in life.

Finally to conclude Serendipity is not just finding one's Love but it's also for many other real time experiences in life.We have to believe in Serendipity because there is always something
which come to us very unexpectedly in life and which lives with us for a life time and can change our life completely.